Job Opportunities
More than 3600 jobs were directly generated by the WA forest industry in 2017.
When flow-on employment is considered, that number rises to just over 6000.
There are a huge variety of jobs available in WA’s forest industry, from positions in forest management like growing, harvesting and research, through haulage, all stages of processing and sales.
There are a variety of workplaces too. While the vast majority of jobs (around 92%) are in regional areas, workplaces include office buildings, ports, processing centres, cabs of forestry equipment, nurseries and of course the forest itself. Many jobs provide a balance of office and field work and all rely on modern technology and adhere to strict safety standards.
The table below shows the positions you could qualify for through training, though there are many pathways into the industry.
Contact Us
Please fill out the form to get in touch.
Unit 1 Abridge House 5 Turner Avenue Bentley WA 6102
Within Australia 08 9472 3055
Outside Australia 61 8 94723055